
We open 2025 with some dates for your diary!

We're holding a Quiz night on Friday 7th of March and by popular request Dan will be opening his cocktail bar once more to demonstrate his skill with all drinks, not just coffee!

To celebrate the life of Hayley Gillon a Charity Ball is being held at Craiglands Hotel, Ilkley on Saturday 5th April.

And last but certainly not least, we thank our marvellous supporters who have been working wonders to provide additional, much needed income for the centre. Read about their wonderful work, details of the quiz night, charity ball and other events happening in the next few months here in the latest edition of Chamber Chat.

October ushers in the spooky season to be quickly followed by thoughts of Christmas festivities and that is no different at the Centre.  It is sad therefore to come to terms with the sudden passing of one of our long standing members. Sandra Somers had been with us at our previous centre at Rawdon and as well as being a committee member was probably best know for her exceptional baking skills  which were regularly sampled at the centre. Rest in peace Sandra.

On a lighter note we are grateful to the volunteers at Skipton Building Society for not only raising funds for us but also taking time out to repaint the centre.

To read more about these and other issues (including a decidedly suspect Christmas cake recipe) download our latest Chamber chat here

In this bumper edition of Chamber Chat you can read all about the success of our Big Four Oh Fun Day, applaud some of our fabulous helpers, fundraisers and donors without whom we literally wouldn't survive! We salute those friends and family who are raising funds in the memory of Molly Garbutt, a member and volunteer who sadly passed away earlier this year. And finally but not least our therapist and yoga teacher Kim, has written a great article on her upcoming classes and sessions, along with something new!

Download and read the latest Chamber Chat here

Welcome to 2024 and our latest Chamber Chat.

"2024 marks our 40th year providing high dose oxygen and other therapies for our members. We want to make it a big year so look out for events, some of which are already well advanced in their planning others are still at the idea stage. Maybe you have a few ideas how we can celebrate this milestone, in which case do please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

A reminder to all that annual membership is due along with the perennial plea for notice if you can't make a dive.

If you wish you pay by bank transfer our account is:

West Yorkshire MS Therapy Centre

Sort Code: 80-11-00

Account number 06062563

Read the latest Chamber Chat here

Funds, or rather shortage of, is the theme for this month's Chamber Chat.

There is no denying that we are all going through a cost of living crisis and the Centre is no different. Energy costs have gone through the roof as have all other outgoings and whilst our wonderful staff and friends have moved mountains to help raise the necessary cash there is still a pressing need to do more. we are very conscious that 2 similar centres have had to close recently due to lack of funds.

The "big ticket" events such as marathon runs and cycle endurance challenges are most welcome but they always come from the same few dedicated souls. We need to spread the load and reach out to all of you to help in small ways to raise money to help keep our Centre open.

Talking of cycle endurance challenges, you can read in our latest Chamber Chat how Dan managed to ride the length of the country to raise the princely sum of over £10,500!

A massive thank you to everyone for their support over the last two months in all our fundraising activities. You've helped raise over £5,000!

Read all about it in our latest edition of Chamber Chat along with Kim's Corner giving more information on her treatments, classes and workshops for Yoga, Reiki and much more.

Chamber Chat, an occasional newsletter from the centre, keeping you informed of the latest news around and about the centre.

Like everyone else, we are feeling the pinch of the current economic situation so asking as many of you as possible to help our fundraising.

If yoga's your thing or would like to give it a try, why not give Kim a ring on 07850 268762 for a no obligation chat.

For more details download the Easter copy of Chamber Chat here

Josh’s marathon challenge this year is to complete 2 marathons in 7 days! Entering both the Manchester and London marathons means he’ll only have 6 days to recover before his next effort. All the sprains, pains, fatigue and blisters have less than 150 hours to recover before being tested again – phew! Josh is doing this to support the Centre by his fundraising and his Herculean effort deserves our extra special generosity. If you’ve not supported Josh before then surely this is the opportunity, and if you have, then consider giving a bit extra this time - just like Josh.

Update - Josh smashed his target with over £4000 raised.

You can still support Josh by going to his Just Giving page using this link